Thursday, May 8, 2014


~I started writing Growl a little over a year ago. It was a tribute to an amazing man who often gives without taking. He is a close friend who has held my hand (and often one of my tits) through each of my divorces. And he was one of the first men I was able to kiss after I was raped. I have finished Growl, and as amazing as this little bit of smut is, it in no way adequately describes him. this bit of smut can not describe his smile, or the way he can make me laugh with just a look. Someday someone will make him fall in love, and i hope she (whoever she is) is smart enough to know that she found something more perfect than the hope diamond, and worth more than all the gold and oil on earth. I love him.~~

My Shining one
Your eyes flash, cat like, as the light from the tv bounces off them.
You tower over the bed, stealing the breath from me with just a look.
I can only blink mindless and shivering as your shirt comes off, breaking your gaze for a moment before those eyes are burning back into mine, making me powerless to look away.
Golden and tawny, your easy smile turning into a feral grin as you look at me, making me cower on the bed, I'm left helpless all my power as a Domme gone before the force that is you, bending me to your will.
You pounce, springing onto the bed, pinning me under you. I scream, muffled in your shirt. My hips pinned under yours, your naked between gasps of air. Your skin is so hot it almost burns, and my poor purple panties are no match for this fire. you rip them aside, tearing the silk from my hips with one savage lunge of your hand. Now I'm burning, my skin flushed and trembling.
Your body holds mine as your kiss your way down my skin until you find the source of this fire, then its not kisses anymore. You lap at me like a lion with its prey, all teeth and claws and snarls, until my panting matches my heart beat.
A lion, yes, my king of the jungle. Yet I cant seem to tell am I your lioness or only prey. The feel of your teeth snap me back to the here and now digging into my neck, a sharp point of pain to offset the firm softness as you glide in, deep so deep, pain and more all mixed into one. I whisper your name and you snarl into my neck, telling me to ask for it, telling me to beg. I ask, I plead, I cry, and oh goddess do I beg. A waterfall of needness, pouring out of me until you kiss me, whispering "good girl" in my ear. I moan your name. Then your hands on my hips, fingers digging in, and thoughts are gone, lost in the tide of moans, the rush of snarls. Your name dancing over my lips again and again like a mantra, like honey on my tongue offered to a goddess. You growl at me, your rhythm speeding up. You strike, teeth sinking in around my nipple. Your eyes never leaving mine, flashing in the light. You roar as our fires combine and I see stars. I see you.
My Lion, My King, My beast

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