Sunday, December 23, 2012

nipples nipples nipples and other good news

So I have my nipples pirced, but the rings I have in are buggin the fuck out of my nipples so I have decided I want these.

and the reward for who ever gets them for me will be pictures of my nipples before the piercings, after, and more after I get the new jewelry.

 Also I just got my new place so soon I will be posting new stories of who and what I do in my new place. So yes house warming gifts would be amazing...

Friday, December 14, 2012

Are you looking for me tonight

You with your eyes like a molten blue ice, Reading this with that smile on your face, the smirk that says you know something I don't know. if I talk to you I cant talk and look at you or I'll be undone by your eyes, yes your eyes again. even now I can close mine and see them. Stopping my brain and freezing my ability to speak or even think.

I like your eyes, and your smile. I like to watch you walk. If you asked me I would let you take me anyplace. I can see it now, passing looks at the only place we see each other, sneaking off to "talk" oh how fun

nahhh Your not here, your not looking, and somehow I think this is all a game 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I have a sweet darling amazing girlfriend, who i am so lucky to have sitting on my couch right now, and sleeping in my bed tonight. happy me

Monday, December 10, 2012

playing at work?

So I think I posted about the flirting I'm doing with a co worker, well today he smelled really really good, and something about how good he smelled, and the way he smiled at me got me soaking wet. so for over 3 hours I was wet wet wet, like my panties were almost dripping and all I could think of was sex.
want want want
I'm still horny, still so needy, all i want is sex, oh and more sex, and then some more sex, and after that a new ps3 controller lol or a bed I'll take sex or a bed or a controller.

So i think I'm working my way to talking myself into fucking guy at work. I just want to decide if I can find something better, like someone in management....

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Do you want to see me naked?? ya? ya? well you wanna know the best way to get me naked??

its easy my good man, get me something off my wish lists

Thursday, December 6, 2012

at work today

I was hit on at work today by 2 customers and a coworker, now the first one is nothing I get hit on by the older men who come in all the time, and I get hit on by the Mex guys everyday. but the coworker is new, I even think he might have grabbed my butt today or at least have let more of his hand touch a little more of my butt than he needed too. its just odd, not really bad just odd...


So I want to see if anyone is reading this, so coment for me, if i get a few I'll post a picture of me on here thats not on my fetlife or alt or collarme.

I'm horny, I'm in pain from the hip down from work, and i want a new bed

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fairy Tail



like some girl in a fairytale.
like some princess in a tower,
when did I get so weak,
so small and insecure.
hiding from my light....

I lean out my window,
like a mixed up Rapunzel.
yet I have no hair to hang down,
so how will my prince get up.
wait are there any princes left??
any knights in shining armor,
trying to save the day.
I don't think so.

so I lay here,
in this glass coffin.
That you all so lovingly made for me,
to "keep me safe" you say.
SAFE there is no such thing,
no safe just dead.
Is that why you picked a coffin??

ha let me have my apples,
and then if I die lock me away.
let me dance under the moonlight,
with hair cut off and legs unbound.

let put on my "fake wings",
and try to fly to the sun.
I am not the wicked sister,
do not punish me with your blindness.
Knotted in my hair...short as it is,
I feel you.
Pacing the bottom of my "tower",
May I ask what you hunt??
Thorn studded,
As the roses grow to hide my castle.
Dripping with regret... do you even know that feeling??
As your face ignites within me the memories...
Memories of a me with hope and heart,
memories of faith,
Faith in love,
Faith in you and I....
Of dreams sold to God,
Dreams of you and I,
I think of you,
You burning in the dark,
I remember that there is no love without fire
Fighting all,
All forms of love and Religion
A borderline oasis,
dripping it's safety onto us,
A pearl blushed blasphemy,
as much as love can ever be.

we are just one fall away from grace,
I will whisper secrets from these years
of romances... mine and yours
yours and hers....
it’s still the same.
(a total disgrace)

Am i now snow White,
the light played tricks on the apple in your Hands.
Warmed through by your fingers,
Razor white and poisoned...
As crisp and sharp as cheap champagne Drunk from the bottle by the river.
At midnight...
Midnight, when everything seemed real,
I believed I couldn’t love you.
Do you remember how we lay on that jeweled velvet blanket,
the one god calls life.
I turned to you and smiled,
One last sad smile
Said, "If it glitters, let it fly"
With our dear,
sweet wings,
we’re flying now...


I was out on my porch reading in the sun the other day, I could hear the birds chirping and the air smelled like rain and faintly like smoke from the forest fires. the breaze was charged with the feel of the storm on its way. It was peacfull. Dinner was cooking, i had a glass of wine in my hand. but like any moment like that it ended. my bottle of wine was running out, my book was ending, my kitchen is slowly running out of food, and I was alone.
Do you see yourself in that picture? Comming up the stairs following the smell of my cooking with a bottle of wine and a gift for me. I'm dressed for you, the dress you love me in, the one you got for me a few weeks ago. I put my book down and turn to you, the smile filling my face the one you know thats just for you. I let you help me up and we go inside, open the wine. I let you poor me a glass. dinner is ready so you make us each a plate and serve it to me. we eat and sip the wine. Dinner ends and we move to couch, you can do the dishes later a say with a smile. you tell me about your day. tell me you got me a gift. my smile makes you grin as you hand me the box. The newest book from one of my favorite Authors. I kiss you tell you how happy I am. then the play begins. you strip and I put the clamps on all the tender bits. I perch on the one clean part of the counter as you start to clean the kitchen. you know you have a time limit to get everything done. and if you can get it done in time you will get to play with me, get to touch me. I pull the skirt of my dress up untill my panties are showing, trying to distract you from cleaning. Do you make it? Did you get everything done on time, even with me rubbing my sex only a few feet away from you?


So I dont know why, but I'm so wet that my panties are soaked, and its dripping down my legs and soaking my dress, oh and the couch under me. my room reeks of pussy. and all I'm doing is watching "the voice" on tv... its so strange...

So hey if you read my blog leave me some love comment on this post to show that your reading and if I get some comments I'll post a picture of me on here tomorrow night... let me know you love me lol

so here is a little bit of something I wrote, and if it gives you a bone let me know


its dirty, i know that.
you take me because its convenient for you
but I've never asked for more.
my birthday, high on the pain of the new piercings
drunk on sweet wine and the smell of your skin
though so far all I've had was a birthday hug
i push, cornering you
draped in nothing but a silk slip
pressing my self up against your chest
looking up at your lips, knowing how soft, how sweet they can be
full and thick as any other lover I've ever had.
your eyes burn drunk on top shelf poison
brown hair falling in careless waves.
Handsome most would say
but i say beautiful, though i know its the wrong word for a man.
i know how soft your lips, how sweet your skin
i know strong your hands.
i am burning in your arms
hating how you make me react
thank you, but please no pity sex
you take my hand and tell me its never pity
we go down
down to my privet hell, where i let you do this to me.
it was just supposed to be letting me blow you
and that is joy to me
since just the taste of your skin can make me high
but i know this and i know you
it never ends there
"i gave you what you want now give me what i want"
for you yes, anything even though the pain almost makes me cry
your body doesn't fit there, at least not with out much more prep than I've had
gasping for air till the pain recedes
my hands and knees raw from the friction
but then
there i feel you and the first glow starts
your hands slip around to grasp my breasts
kneading my DDs into my chest
your hand soft and hash all at once
your breath hot at the back of my neck
i whisper bite me, please
your teeth in my shoulder
and the glow turns into a fire
i burn at your touch
but i am dirty
and the things you have me do are dirty
i hate it but i cant stop it
its done
your hot seed on my pale skin
i feel dirty and used
i wash and sleep
willing myself to forget how you feel inside me
hating how dirty it makes me feel
waiting till i can ask for it again.

Monday, December 3, 2012

A show about nothing

this is the blog post, about the fact that I didn't have anything to write a blog post about, and about the fact that I didn't want to write one tonight. so this is the blog about nothing...
well not really nothing, in fact its more of a rant post, to balance out the "give me give me" post from last night (i really do want that bed though) I hate this, I should be telling you all about the amazing sex I'm having, all the hot kinky times I'm rocking out to and nope, not a one... I need my own place, so bad, so bad. I need a room all to my self, that I can have Y'all in and that I can do dirty stuff in. once I have my own place I can start adding pictures and vid clips, I can even start running some all vid cam nights

ya, I'm so done with all this crap...

work and sex

So my job is kicking my ass... I hurt more now than I have in years, So as the pain in my feet gets worse, my sex drive cranks up, add to that 2 co workers and 4 regular customers hitting on me every day and I get home and want to fuck something until my brain pops, but I'm so tired I cant even play with my self once I hop in bed. so I just get more and more horny.... what to do what to do

I need fucked... any takers?


So right now I'm sleeping on a twin as I'll be dammed if I'm going to keep sleeping on the nasty old bed from the last 4 years that my ex got us used. ( can you say ewwwy) So i have picked a new bed and everything that is needed to make it amazing.

I would love to have all this, but I know its going to add up to a lot so I'm asking for the smaller items, and Amazon Gift cards, every donation will get a reward,
Donations under $10 will get 3 pictures of me
between $10 and $20 will get 10 pictures
between $20 and $50 will get 20 min of live cam time
between $50 and $100 will get my cell number, pictures, and dirty texts
anything over $100 will get to help name a prize, and get to gloat about it

So lets make my dreams come true...

the frame

the bed

the pillows

the sheets

the bedding

the extras

also all of this is from my bed/bedding list in my list and links blog post