Wednesday, April 23, 2014

a glimpse into my day

I wake up to my roommate slipping into my room with "our" (really her, but you'll see) new baby. I nod and say ya I'm awake and she lays Ria in my arms and leaves, on her way to work. I hear the other kids get ready for school and out the door they go. only then do I get up. I take my phone, my pillow, some days I take my fuzzy, the baby, and anything else that sounds good and go into my roommates room (her TV has cable) I pick a show and settle in for the morning.
this is all by 9am
I make a bottle, and if Ria is sleeping well, do some cleaning or cooking, if she is sleeping like the dead and I'm not broke we walk to the store and get some exercise.
I feed me, feed her, feed the animals (of which we have LOTS) and get a lunch ready for her mom
I watch some TV, I cuddle with the newborn/one month old baby
and I text, or at least I return texts (there will be more about that in a later post)
Fridays are my favorite, I get paid, and for the last few weeks its been a supernatural marathon day.
then J comes home for her lunch and feeds the baby, I get her lunch and a drink, we talk and laugh and she goes back to work
2pm ish
as the baby sleeps I plan dinner, watch TV, and by now I have gone and gotten my laptop so that I can look something up
4pm ish
the kids come home, we talk (in a whisper) about homework, how was school, and what I need them to do in the house before they can get on the ps3
530pm ish
J comes home, I make dinner, and we laugh and talk like a family. we watch TV together and make fun of it, or we put on odd songs and dance in the kitchen
in fact we did the dancing bit tonight :D

Its a good life
I work weekends, but my weekdays are spent loving on and being loved by a family

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