Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The size of the boat

So I hear men say all the time "I wish I had a bigger dick" no you dont, most of you just wish you had a better idea of what to do with the one you have.

so let me share with you a rather personal little back story.

I was young, I cant tell you how young but I think you will get an idea.

I spent more time with boys as a kid than girls, and most of it was that i had no interest in dolls or things like that, I was that hissing wild cat child that you almost couldn't tell was a girl running around with a small pack of mud covered boys.

As I got older, and developed "identifying body features" I got a reputation for being easy. I also got the reputation for being a bitch. Now how you can get called easy when you turn down more guys than you fuck I dont know.

I had more female friends now, not a lot, but some. but my best friends were always male. and I had a habit of sleeping with my closest guy friends. then we come to this. I had a guy friend, he was cute, tall, smart, strong, got good grades, and had every girl in school drooling, but couldn't seem to keep a girlfriend. He broke down and told me 4 girls in a row had dumped him, because they said he was just too big. he had even hurt one girl, I don't think badly but it almost shattered him. He thought he was a freak, and hated himself. he had even had an older woman tell him it was to big and she didn't want anything to do with it.

I wanted to make him feel better, i wanted to give him back some piece of himself that was gone. so we got drunk one night after school and i started to come on to him, hard, teasing him, sitting in his lap, wiggling my hips until i could feel what felt like a soda can in his pants. At my look of shock he almost started to cry. He told me about everything all the girls, all the rejection, everything.
what else could I do. I kissed him, told him I wasn't scared, took his hand and headed for an empty bedroom.

he was as big around as my wrist and 9 in long. I was terrified but i didn't let him see that. I took it slow, showed him everything i had learned about how to make a girl wet and ready, every trick i had i showed him. Then I made myself take all of it, and it hurt, I got rips, and I have a nifty scar from it, but to see his eyes light up was worth it. The moment he saw the blood he wanted to stop, but i didn't let him, i told him just keep going. I would not be another girl to add pain to his life. and oh goddess was it worth it, to see his face in that moment when I started to enjoy it, when that huge full feeling started to feel good was one of the best moments of his life.

I love the big boys, and you know what for all your big talk, most of you know how he felt, and most of you have a soft spot for the first girl who really wanted and enjoyed you

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