Friday, April 18, 2014

Random story

just a little story
years ago a girl stood in the rain her arms wrapped around a man that she was madly in love with and just a little scared of. he kissed her, tipping her face up into the rain, his lips tender and sweet. they looked into each others eyes and smiled before running for shelter from the storm. they found a yet unfinished house. they explored the house, talking about what it would be like when it was done. they climbed the stairs hand in hand, his fingers warm around hers. they walked into what would be the master bedroom and in the middle of the room was a bed high stack of sheet wood covered with an old moving blanket. he looked at her and smiled. "come lay with me, lets get warm" she curled into his arms with a smile and a laugh, kissing him as they sank onto the platform. lightning flashed and she tried not to scream, her fear of lightning even overpowering her love of him for a moment. he kissed her holding her tight begging her to let him distract her from her fear. right then to the sound of the rain with the taste of his kiss still on her lips she prayed

"Dear Powers, Please let me keep this man in my life, let me always be able to bask in his smile, let me love him forever. I'll do anything, i just can not picture my life without him in it"

he leaned in and kissed her, she whispered "i love you" into his lips right as the thunder crashed. he never heard her. so she told him she loved him with every gasp, every fevered kiss, every inch of her skin on his. As her nails painted her love down his back a little voice whispered in her head

"you shalt have just what you asked for, exactly what you asked for"

three days later, just as the mark of her lips started to fade off his neck, he met the woman who ended up being his wife. He still came to the girl but something had changed, he stopped holding her hand, and the kisses that had been so tender to chase away her fear were now only an opening to something purely sexual. his arms that had once offered a safe haven from the world were now cold. yet her love grew, and no mater why, how, or what they fought about he never really left. after every fight she would cry and swear she would never let him come back, but a few weeks, a few months, and once even a few years and he would be back. his sideways smile melting her heart over and over again.
They grew, he married that woman and the girl tried her best to be a friend to the wife and to him. The girl fell in love got married and tried to move on, yet her heart was always looking for him. he had a child, a sweet little girl who smiled like her dad. the girl had a child just one year later, a little boy that made her smile, and forget him for a while. the girl got married and tried to live her life, tried to love the man she was with yet her heart yearned for another. his marriage ended and he turned to the girl who had always loved him and he rested in her arms for just a moment then he was gone again. she went on with life, and when her marriage ended she looked for him, to rest in his arms but he was gone. and she waited because he was never gone for to long. the girls friend shook there heads thinking she was crazy to have waited like this for a man that never seemed to love her in return. she just smiled, and when he walked into her house with the sideways smile she lit up like she always had, because she loved him, as she always had, and always would. even if he didnt stay she would still love him

the moral of the story, be careful what you ask for..

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