Thursday, April 24, 2014


my heart dancing fast, a throb of drums, a clash of cymbals. the beat something foreign, fast paced and intoxicating. bringing to mind the heat of a desert sun and the smell of spices.
My heart dances a fast spinning dance, moving faster an faster. A whirling fire dance of exotic dreams and fired love. a dance that burns the ground below it.
my poor mind races, stumbling, unable to keep up. tripping over the beat, burning in the desert sun and choking on the spices. it can not join the dance.
slower still my mouth, unable to find the words that sing to the song that lends itself to the dance. my mouth and my mind can not hold the beat, can not join the dance.
but still my hands clap to the beat, my feet move to a song the world cannot even hear.
and the beat that moves me, that makes my body sing, that beat is you.

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